A downloadable game

Homebrew game for the Atari 2600. Play using the Stella emulator.  Arcade style shooter where you need to protect your base from an alien invasion. Shoot the enemies in the air or use your shield to destroy them on the ground. Your shield is only active in the direction you are traveling in and you must be moving for the shield to be active. If the aliens destroy your base or the player,  game over.  

You get points for shooting the enemy. Points are taken away if you are hit. 

Health meter is the bar at the bottom left of the screen. Status of the alien wave is the meter on the right at the bottom of the screen.

Base damage can be seen on the base itself. If the base turns all red, the base is destroyed and game over.

Each level gets more difficult and the aliens learn new maneuvers to attack the base. 

Game is still in development. 


brawdy.bin 32 kB

Install instructions

Downland the ROM file and use the Stella emulator to play or copy to a all in one cart and play on the Atari 2600. 


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There is a bug with the sound that is being worked through.